Is Your relationship broken?

Is your relationship broken? It’s still possible to mend it. ... when you both start taking responsibility for the fixing of your relationship, you can get back on the same team and realign your goals and expectations.

According to recent data from the American Psychological Assoc, as many as 50 % of marriages in the United States eventually end in divorce.

Some reasons why relationships fail;

• Selfishness.

• Not making your relationship a priority

• Angry Outbursts and Rage, screaming at a partner can do damage.

• Infidelity. Trust is the soil in which healthy relationships are grounded.

The following steps may help in repairing the relationship:

• Be attentive to what one your partner is saying.

• Show concern and compassion for one another.

• Remember times that make you both laugh.

• Don't bring up issues from the past.

Even though a relationship is badly broken, it's still possible to mend it but it's important to note that not all relationships are worth saving.


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